The Liability of Bar Owners (Dram Shop Liability)

We’ve all been to a bar and saw someone who was absolutely smashed get served yet another drink.  What happens when they end up hurting someone? In Ohio, a person may only bring a lawsuit against a bar owner for injuries resulting from the acts of an intoxicated person in very limited circumstances. 

First, a bar owner is liable for injuries to others that occur inside the bar — or in its parking lot — as a result of the owner or employee’s negligence in serving alcohol.

Next, a bar owner is liable for injuries to others that occur away from the bar — either on Ohio’s roadways or elsewhere — if they knowingly sold alcohol to a noticeably intoxicated person and that person’s intoxication caused the injury.

If you have questions about personal injury claims please contact Scott for a no cost, no obligation consultation and case evaluation.

Ohio Statue of Limitations for Civil Assault and Battery

Ohio personal injury attorney, Scott Kuboff, discusses the statute of limitations and how much time you have to file a lawsuit for injuries related to a civil assault and battery.

DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice as to the statute of limitations in your case. If you want to know the statute of limitations applicable to your case, contact an attorney.

If you have sustained an injury as a result of a civil assault or battery, please contact Scott for a no cost, no obligation consultation and case evaluation

Civil Claims for Assault and Battery in Ohio

Ohio personal injury attorney, Scott Kuboff, discusses the claims for civil assault and battery which arise in circumstances such as bullying, bar fights, security guard misconduct, or sexual assault.

If you have sustained an injury as a result of a civil assault or battery, please contact Scott for a no cost, no obligation consultation and case evaluation.